Annual Meeting at COSM - May 15-16, 2025

Triological Society Annual Meeting at COSM • May 15-16, 2025
New Orleans, Louisiana • Hyatt Regency New Orleans



2024 Annual Meeting at COSM -- Information Found on This Page

Message from the President |  Triological Program |  CME Information

Speed Networking |  Disclosure List |  Registration |  Hotels |  Presenter Information

Participating Societies |  COSM Home |  AHNS Innovation Symposium

Message from the President

It’s a great honor to welcome you to the 126th Annual Meeting of the Triological Society in Chicago! Beginning with a meeting of 11 otolaryngologists in 1896, The Triological Society has grown into the most important scholarly organization in our specialty. Through our generous research grants for young faculty and researchers as well as travel grants for any resident, student or fellow who has a presentation at our meetings, no organization in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery does more to promote research and scholarship. Through our publications, scientific meetings, and research support, the Triological Society has an outsize impact in our specialty.

Our program Chair, Dr. Sonya Malekzadeh, and the program committee have assembled an outstanding schedule of scientific presentations, physician panels, and events to promote the dissemination of information and scholarly discussion in a setting that brings together a community of both early and experienced physicians and researchers from across the specialty areas of otolaryngology. This includes a new feature - The Healy Panel named for Dr Gerald B. Healy, past president of the Triological Society and the American College of Surgeons. The panel will be conducted in conjunction with a different sister society each year. Fittingly, this year’s panel will be Saturday morning in conjunction with the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, in Dr. Healy’s subspecialty area.

I also want to recognize the outstanding staff in the Triological Society. None of this could happen without the guidance and wisdom of our Executive Vice President, Myles Pensak and our outstanding administrative staff, Beth Faubel, Colleen Finnerman, and Beth Slovinski. The Society is well positioned to move into the future.

I look forward to welcoming each and every one of you to the 126th meeting of the Triological Society in Chicago!

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Speed Networking

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Register for
Meeting Here

Early bird registration rate cut-off is Wednesday, April 5, 2024

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To obtain the necessary amount of meeting and exhibit space, COSM must commit to using a minimum number of guest rooms. If that commitment is not met, COSM will incur significant financial penalties and it will cause a major impact on the future programs that COSM is able to offer. By booking your room under the official COSM room block, you help COSM meet their hotel obligation. We thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Presenter Info - more information to be posted at a later date

Presenter / Speaker

Poster Hours
and Sessions

POSTER PRESENTERS DO NOT HAVE A SPECIFIC TIME SLOT TO PRESENT THEIR POSTERS--PLEASE READ THE POSTER GUIDELINES ABOVE. Poster presenters are required to be at their posters during all breaks in the scientific program and are also required to attend the “Meet the Authors” poster reception on Friday evening, May 17, starting at 5:30 pm to discuss posters with attendees.

MONETARY POSTER AWARDS To be eligible for a monetary poster award, your poster must be in place by Thursday May 16, 2024, at 10:00 pm. Additionally, your poster must be electronically submitted to Genigraphics by 1:00 pm Central time on April 15, 2024.

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Home Page

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Participating Societies

COSM 2024, May 15 - May 19, in Chicago, Illinois, will offer a range of educational opportunities including oral presentations, panels, fireside chats, keynote lectures, product demos, and posters. COSM Societies offer publishing opportunities in addition to awards and scholarships.

COSM is a major national meeting for otolaryngologists – head and neck surgeons. At COSM, each member society presents an educational scientific program, which features prominent speakers in their respective specialty. These sessions are attended by the key practitioners within their field, as well as by otolaryngology residents, medical students, and allied health.

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Continuing Medical Education

CME credits

Evaluation Disclosure List

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Triological Society Program

without Abstracts
with Abstracts

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Disclosure List - to be posted at a later date

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AHNS Innovation Symposium

AHNS Innovation Symposium Program and Registration Flyer

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Triological Society
1000 Jorie Blvd Suite 385
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Main Phone: 630-332-9870


The mission of the Triological Society is to encourage and assist otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeons and other healthcare professionals to develop, maintain, and enhance their knowledge and skills in their pursuit of improved patient care through education, research, and fellowship.